So a lot has happened since my last post. I'm pretty bad at keeping up with this. So here goes what's happened over the last 4 months. I've been very fortunate to get my fulltime position with my job back. The only thing was I was splitting my shifts between our Montrose base and our Eagle (Vail) base. At first I was not to enthused about this. Until I found out about the EPIC pass. It's been many many years since I skied. I'd say middle school, maybe freshmen year in highschool. I was curious how well I would be able since having my surgery. I had 2 screws removed from my ankles. Hoping this would make a big difference in the activities I can participate in. So more on the EPIC pass. It's a season pass to Vail, Beaver Creek, Breckenridge, Arapahoe Basin and Keystone. Some of these world renown resorts. So as you could imagine I was super stoked about my commute to work. I would go a couple days early, work, then stay a couple days after. I've had some of the best times I can remember thus far. Skiing has become a big passion for me again. I made a big purchase. New powder skis and all terrain bindings. This gives me the ability to go do backcountry skiing anytime I want with the joy of experiencing the Colorado Rockies and San Juan mountains. Although danger is a potential, stupidly i don't let that stop me. But i do practice safety as much as I can. I have had 17 awesome days on the mountain so far. Vail being my favorite. I've had knee high powder days and let me tell you, i'm spoiled now. I've gone to Telluride a couple times with my buddies and conditions were less than favorable. I mind as well slap on some ice skates. My most recent journey to Telli landed me with a split open lip, bruised ribs, bruised kidney, bruised back, tweaked knee and elbow. How this stuff happens to me, i don't know. I keep being told I need to slow it down, but as most of you know, this is very hard for to do. I jumped off a ledge, landed and as I made my turn a rock was just buried underneath. This kicked me sideways and I supermanned it face first into a tree. The tree didn't budge. Go figure. I was stuck for about 20 minutes. Couldn't move. I'm all healed up now, but man that really hurt.
As you all know, I really enjoy photography. I am going to be pursuing this heavily in the year to come. Thanks to my sister, I can have a good camera body and I purchased several good lenses. I'm really excited about this. I also just bought a helmet camera. I'm even more excited for this as it's a great way to film my stupidness, as long as it looks good on camera. So standby for some awesome ski vids, mountain biking adventures and surely me on the GSXR screaming down the million dollar highway.